Monday 28 January 2013

Wish I knew French

Ballet class would be so much easier if I knew French! I'm only catching snippets of what the steps are called and so am inventing random new names for them in my head. Anyhow will try my best to describe today's class, sorry it's a bit ballet nerdish feel free to skip!

We start again with rising up onto tiptoes, warming up the ankles, then to the barre for pliés. First position, demi plié, demi plié, grand plié, change side and repeat. Fifth position, demi plié, demi plié, grand plié, change side and repeat. Then one hand on barre, fifth position, leg slides and points to the front 3 times returning to fifth each time, then to the side 3 times alternating in returning to back or front of fifth position ending behind, then 3 behind coming back to fifth, 3 to the side again. Repeat on other side. There was the semi circle foot exercise from last week, battement tendu, battement tendu jeté and grand battement. Then a new exercise when foot is brought up to calf and straightened while the supporting leg pliés but both legs must straighten at the same rate. Stretching.

Center work was good today, got some little routines going. First was fifth position, to first, to second and plié, then point one foot and keep it 'glued' to the floor, use the other foot to do 3 shuffles to turn and go into arabesque. The other was first position, point left foot forward, take 3 steps then on the last a sort of hop jump to do a 180 turn, spin round and repeat across the room. It really looked good when everyone was doing the moves together.

Also today they said there is going to be a show on the 2nd March and would the people who only go to the beginner lesson put up their hands, thinking this would exempt me my hand shot up. We got counted and announcement of 'Good, 10 of you, perfect for the show routine. I'll let you know when rehearsals are.'
Erm, sorry, what!? Looks like I'm going to be a ballerina on stage ;)

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